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Devi_Ki Wongmo




A work in progress Life is for Living Per discussions have prepared a list Of informations How Sacred Geometry is embedded in your DNA — Secrets of Geometric Art ( 12:28 min — Mynr7uik5-0 ) by Dearing Wang Mathematics is the queen of Sciences ( 53:50 min — 8mve0UoSxTo ) NOVA posted by Srivathsa Joshi What the Bleep do we Know ( search for it — full length film ) Good to watch before the film Called “ the secret “ on manifesting For many well researched informations Quantum Consciousness Gotswami * Hameroff * Chopra * Penrose * Wolinsky * Braden * Dispenza * Lipton * Holographic Universe Talbot * Mantak Chia * David Deida * Jewel In The Lotus by Sunyata Sariswati Robert Bly * Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women By Jessel & Moir DZOGCHEN [email protected]
