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Eugenie Burton




🎙Fifty & Fly with Eugénie Burton [PODCAST] 🔹Look Awesome 🔹Feel Awesome 🔹Be Awesome for your 50th & Beyond! 💕Fitness & Lifestyle Coach 📍London UK I coach women to to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthier by improving their lifestyles. Eugénie pronounced: You - Zhay - Knee 👩🏽‍💻 I’m passionate about sharing my message 🗣 Speaker 🎤 Host 🎬 Actor 🎭 Director 🎙Podcast Host - Fifty & Fly with Eugénie Burton I love fitness and being healthy 💪🏽 Personal Trainer 💃🏽 Zumba Instructor 🚲 Spin Instructor 🥊 BoxFit Instructor 👣 Step Instructor ⏱ HIIT Instructor I love doing stuff ✈️ Travel 🧵 Sewing 🚶🏽‍♀️Walking 🎵 Singing 💻 Digital Media