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Dan Elton




👨‍💻Researcher in AI for medical imaging @ NIH. Interested in Effective Altruism, AI safety, physics, neuroscience, brain computer interfaces, philosophy of mind. Trying to figure out what the highest impact applications of AI in medical imaging are. Have ideas? Let me know by sending me a DM on Twitter! 🎓Ph.D., Physics, 2016, Stony Brook University 🧠 Researcher at the Carboncopies Foundation, working on whole-brain connectomics forecasting. 🧬 Director of Scholarship at the US Transhumanist Party Fellow AI researchers may be interested in these papers I authored: 📜“Applying Deutsch’s concept of good explanations to artificial intelligence and neuroscience – An initial exploration” (arXiv:2012.09318) 📜“Self-explaining AI as an Alternative to Interpretable AI” (arXiv:2002.05149) Here's some research projects I'm contributing to by using deep learning to automate making measurements: - Segmenting vacuoles in EM images of brain tissue. - Quantifying bone mineral loss in HIV patients - Quantifying the shrinkage of the pancreas in people with type II diabetes. - Using relative volume of different parts of the liver to diagnose cirrhosis. For an overview of automated measurements in CT scans, see our review : 📜 P. J. Pickhardt, P. M. Graffy, A. A. Perez, M. G. Lubner, D. C. Elton, R. M. Summers. “Opportunistic Screening at Abdominal CT: Use of Automated Body Composition Biomarkers for Added Cardiometabolic Value” Radiographics. 41:2, 524-542 (2021) (pdf at I live in Bethesda, Maryland near Washington, DC. DMs open on my Twitter.