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Deanette Rogers




Homeschooling Coach, Essential Oils, Young Living, Adoptive Parent, 30+ years married, Coach for practical living. 💕Life doesn’t have to be complicated or hard. Anyone can homeschool. Anyone can use essential oils. The key is to do it well and that doesn’t have to be hard either. 📚Your homeschool should fit you and your children. Your school does not have to look like anyone else’s. I happily help homeschooling parents create the school that is right for their families. Teaching has been my life for over 40 years, but my passion has been homeschooling for 32 years. Contact me on Facebook at: Homeschooling and Virtual School Coach or DM me 🎯Meet your goals for a healthy, natural lifestyle using therapeutic quality essential oils and related products. It is easy to have the products you desire arrive at your door. Contact me in Facebook at: 😀Essential Oils 101 with YLBeliever or email me at 📪[email protected] 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦We grew our family through adoption, both private and foster, and love our life. If you feel called to parent, know that there are children waiting for you. 💋Marriage is a partnership. One person can’t make a marriage work. My hubby and I work every day to grow our relationship as a Christian couple. You can do it too - it isn’t rocket science. 🙋‍♀️I am here for you. I coach homeschooling families and help you design your curriculum that works for you. I also teach how to live a natural, healthy lifestyle using essential oils. I will gladly share what I have learned on adoption and marriage. 🤹‍♀️I am thrilled to meet new people. I am blessed when I am able to help another person learn to juggle life better. I am blessed when you help me. 📪[email protected]