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David Schwartz




Consciously catalyzing, connecting and collaborating with Heart Centered Creators interested in reinventing the World! 🌎 β€œYou never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller Currently Building New Models: 🎯 4Ps: Purpose, Planet, People, Profits 🌈 Networking, promoting, and developing Regenerative & Sustainable businesses, products, services: πŸ₯‡World’s Highest Performance BioEpoxy 🚘 Making driving GOOD for climate 🌱 Greening the Canna Industry 🌏 Co-creating the Paradise Syndicate: ReVisioning all aspects of society to be Net Positive Impact! ________________About Me__________________ 🌏 Sustainabilty Networker - making Eco sexy! 🌱 Cannabis Entrepreneur - Jade Fire, Denver πŸ•Έ Conscious Connector πŸ¦„ Net Positive Impact-preneur πŸ”₯ World Bridger & Change Agent πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ pronouns - he / him / his A few of my interests: πŸ₯‹ Martial Arts ✈️ World Travel 🀩 Visionary Art 🎯 Personal Mastery 🏹 Bushido Business ☯️ Wholistic Wellness 🌱 Plant Spirit Medicine πŸ„ πŸ’ͺ🏼 Leadership Development πŸ’‘Start ups & Entrepreneurship πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Exploring the Mystery: Magick | Mysticism | Meditation | Yoga | BJJ Kung-fu | Human Potential | Hermeticism Human Design | I-Ching | Tarot | Qabalah Hypnotherapy | Biomimicry | Gene Keys πŸ” Flow & Higher States of Consciousness πŸ”₯ β€œPaths are many, Truth is ONE” Let’s connect if you’re interested in any of the above, or have something to blow my mind 🀯 Club: Sustainability 2.0 and NIP (Net Impact Positive) 🎀 Moderating intimate, authentic and powerful conversations to optimize people and the planet! Would you like to co-mod a room together? DM me to set up a 15 min call to discover how we can support each other. Tell me what you are passionate about! I’m happy to bring value wherever I can. IG: @david.h.schwartz - Cannabis Specific