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Kaydee Moyo




🤝 Now You’re In My Business 🤝 I’m a Social Butterfly 🦋 who’s a Certified Loverboy 🎖🎖 An ambivert who subscribe to Good Vibes & Violence so if you cross my borders make sure you have a reasonable baksheesh otherwise I will masticate your face so please come correct. If you can’t come correct feel free to join the queue you’re not alone. Word Of Advice nditorio main actor mulife mangu Jahman handiudzirwe !!! I’m busy chopping life before life chop me The future belong to those who care to believe in the beauty of their dreams. Mind you, you’re nothing but a pencil ✏️ in the hand of the artist 🛖 🇿🇼 📍 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 👻 Dat_guykaydee 💰 £Datguykaydee