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Courtney Cogburn




🐴🍎Okie in NYC. 👶🏾♾ Mom to an amazing little human. 👩🏾‍🏫Professor @ Columbia. 🙎🏼‍♀️✊🏿Racism, 🩺Health, 📠Tech. 🎬🥽Lead creator of VR experience “1000 Cut Journey.” Tribeca Film 2018. 🥃 Whiskey lover. 🆓 I do it my way. Regrets? I’ve had a few. But too few to mention. 🧑🏾‍🚀 Some call me Capt. Burnham, Starbuck or Mo’ Betta (I’m “some”). 🖖🏿I can roller skate and sign the alphabet with both hands at the same time so...🕶