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β€’ Nola x Hou πŸ“ β€’ Business Owner πŸ—ƒοΈ β€’ Serial Entrepreneur πŸ“ˆ β€’ Proud Black Father ✊🏾 I own a service plumbing company, a contracting company for remodeling/new construction, & soon to be real estate investor! I am heavily connected in the trade/construction industry & we are building a team of winners! My mission is to be successful, financially independent, & to create opportunities that allow everyone in my immediate circle to imitate the results. My key interests are entrepreneurship, freelancing, planning, networking, becoming a multimillionaire, & collaborating with likeminded individuals. I believe in surrounding myself with successful people who are goal-oriented, career-focused, & business-minded. "All you have in business is your reputation. So, it's very important that you keep your word." - Richard