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Shaun Allmon




Possibilian. VR enthusiast. Music junkie. Biohacked w NFC, RFID, & magnet implants to feel the unseen. ♾✨⚡️🧲👁🧠🧬⚖️🏳️‍🌈♐️🌓🎶 🥃🍕🎳🎮🧩📈💎🗺⚠️🌋♻️🇺🇸 I’m excited for the future of humanity to unite with a Web 3 VR Metaverse; though it probably won’t reach its full potential during my lifetime. Passive Income > Party-to-Earn > Play-to-Earn > Work-to-Earn I’ve enjoyed a career as a Mobile App Product Manager, an Adtech Solutions Architect, and Guerrilla Marketing organizer for experiential events. Never bored, always learning, adapting quickly, interested in understanding everything and everyone; communication is key to our growth, as I notice many issues in the world stem from miscommunication/mistranslations over time. Our globally understood language is music. Electronic, rhythmic beats give me life, sparking emotions to express by dancing. This powerful, nonverbal communication connects us, resonating good vibes. Our brains are more powerful than we can comprehend. My single magnetic implant has given me a new “magnetic vision” & I’m constantly exploring new mods to develop further abilities in the human body. The only thing that makes sense in this world is the fact that nothing ever does. Be patient. )'( I’m excited for the day that quantum physics & magnetism converge with spirituality to unlock a new era of cosmic understanding. Can we stop dividing ourselves with labels, and start unifying ourselves as human beings? Listen with sincere attention. Think with compassion. Speak with clear intention. Act with respect. Together we can achieve so much more. In my lifetime I hope to: Experience civilian space tourism, live in a passwordless but individually secure society, trustworthy self-driving cars, a place where cures for cancers are common, and enhancements to our bodies become customized options via biotech. I’m ready for a digital, decentralized Web3.0 world. …more to come As above so below