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Rebecca Shannon




Intuitive coach inspired by and inspiring others to lead the life they love and love the life they lead 💕 Chief Energy Officer 💕 and Chief Inspiration Officer @Complement Coaching Self Love Leadership 💕 Co-host of Pause without the Men 💕 Host of conversational video series Love, Life and Leadership 💕 Host of Conversation Cafe 💕 Host of The Constellation Group ✨ Weaving all aspirations together through tailored and holistic coaching and leadership programmes 💕 Inspiring and energising through coaching, connection and collaboration 💕 Empowering those I work and collaborate with to live the life they love and with purpose and passion 💕 What people say ..... “F**k me you’re good” “Inspiring, encouraging, positive, wise and a professional influencer whose brave, tenacious and gets things done” “What you get every time from Rebecca are ideas, alternate views, hard graft and no fear of change. She delivers in such a clear and concise way, with that all important touch of humour” “Anyone who interacts with Rebecca will be better for the experience”