Coach Gessie Thompson
🔹Founder, 🔹Fibroids Survivor Turned Nutritionist 🔹Fibroids, Fertility & Health Equity Activist 🔹Health Coach, Author & Speaker 🔹Host, DETOX LIVING Podcast Battling Hormonal Imbalance, Fibroids, Heavy Cycles or just want a healthier life? Register for a FREE Weekly Group or Book a Private consult at Fibroids Survivor turned Nutritionist and Founder of online wellness platform, Coach Gessie Thompson works with celebrities and everyday women daily, educating and empowering them on how to take control of their health through the DETOX LIVING lifestyle medicines including Stress Management, Trauma Healing & Nutritional Coaching. Results have included numerous women naturally healing and preventing inflammatory conditions such as: 🔹Irregular Cycles 🔹 Fibroids, Endometriosis, Cysts 🔹 Infertility 🔹 High Blood Pressure 🔹 Diabetes and more In one breakout case, client Annalise Henry eliminated an MRI documented 50 Fibroids naturally through a comprehensive lifestyle medicine approach called DETOX LIVING. Follow her @CoachGessie on Instagram and Facebook and access her FREE 🎁 DETOX LIVING KIT at