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CK Kellman




Attorney specializing in landlord/tenant issues, business contracts and leases. Biohacker and Reiki Master. Always thinking outside of the lines. Imagination keeps me sane. Love to collab. Call me CK. Ideas? 🌴😎👽 Miami Paris NYC The lost continent of Atlantis 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻🧚🏽‍♂️ fairy energy Always raise your resonance Spiritual coach, past lives reader, channel and personalized healing meditations. (DM me for details) light language ⭐️🌠🌟👽 Bullet point meditation creator and teacher IF 16/8 every day café noir nitro cold brew AV rated attorney Motivational speaker and guest lecturer UPenn; UMiami ✅PayPal: ✅$ckalchemy1 Contact me: or personal insta.