Christina Ciara Paulden
⚔️ I’m on a mission to put the Power and Authority back into the hands of the Believers.⚔️ The Father has given me power and authority to: 🗡️ trample on serpents and scorpions. 🗡️ bind and loose unclean spirits. 🗡️ overcome all the power of the enemy. And He has given the same to YOU. ❤️ Sis, I’m here to encourage and inspire you to develop your own personal relationship with the Father and help you gain confidence in fighting the enemy. You have Power and Authority over the enemy – Use It! _______________ If you’re a child of G-d who’s looking to 👉🏾 strengthen your prayer life 👉🏾 fight your spiritual battles 👉🏾 grow in your intimacy with the Father You’re in the right place! 🎉 _______________ ☑️ Sign up to be notified of upcoming Clubhouse Rooms + get notes from rooms I host: ☑️ Get my Free Enemy Stopping Prayer Journal Templates: ☑️ Grab my Life-Changing Freebies: Join my FB club 🏠 Hey Sis Community. Let's connect! Facebook Christina Ciara P