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オーストラリアの女子大生 (Chikapon)




🎓トレンス大学院(ホテル経営学部) ✏️資格:IELTS6.0 / 宅建士/ FP技能士 📚メインはインスタ(下から飛べマス) ——————————————————— 🌍たまに英語/海外系のルームしてます🌍 ——————————————————— 📍国籍:純日本 🏫大学:日本の大学で建築専攻     +スタートアップインターン     +五つ星ホテルでアルバイト ❄️浪人:1年でTOEIC400→800点 🌿趣味:寝る、お酒 どーーーしても アメリカでホテル証券の職に就きたく 証券化マスターと中国語を勉強中。。。 ———————————————————— 📍Currently in Tokyo Japan 🎓Master student in Sydney Australia 📚Hotel management, Real estate + Architecture ❤️ to chat about 3 things in my room: 1. Explore and discover the world culture and customs 2. Discuss how to learn language more efficiently 3. Knowledge exchange about studying abroad and employment 📚Passion for learning Studied architecture for my bachelor in Japan. At the same time, I love learning Real estate🏠 Obtained a national qualification for Japanese real estate. To cultivate knowledge, I’m enrolled in grad school in hotel management (which is my other interest🌱) in Sydney but due to pandemic I am in Japan at the moment! 💌Way to connect: My DM is open, feel free to send me a DM via Instagram↓