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Carson Sweezy




πŸ˜‹ Nourishing Community From The Soul via... Food | Entertainment | Gift BoxesπŸͺ πŸ™Œ Food is a medium used to nourish our minds, bodies, souls, and communities... Food is our common ancestral language. + Left a lucrative real estate career to pursue my lifelong passion to cook for and nourish others. 🎁 Corporate gifting through our SweezEats cookie boxes πŸ˜‹ Founder πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ Professional Cook & Nourisher at + Host/Creator/Emcee of live and virtual events I once ate three dinners unaided by substances. πŸ’» Remote is the Future #CrohnsWarrior I have 18 inches less colon than you 😜 πŸ‘‡Always dancing while cooking on Instagram