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Brit Stakston




Media strategist. Author. PR-expert. 📍Följ Demokratiklubben här på Clubhouse! 🔸Topics of special interest: democracy, grass roots movements, anti-racism, journalism, communication and media development. Currently I put a lot of effort in analyzing how democracy will be affected by the pandemic. Is it a restart for democracy or a pathway to enhancement of authoritarian tendencies? 🌍 Co-Founder of long form journalistic platform 🌅 Founder of PR-agency Stakston PR 💪 Always looking for creative and interesting perspectives of civic engagement and change. I believe in the power of examples. The world is full of them if we only look for them! 🌟 My North Star - engagement, collaboration and the ability to rethink. 💜Sometimes it snows in april. #purplefamily 🇦🇹🇪🇺🇸🇪🇳🇴 Lived in Vienna, Austria (born in Graz); Oslo and Vinstra, Norway; London, UK; South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA and currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. 🎧 I’m here to listen and learn from new people from all over the world. We have to focus on how we as global citizens can co-exist. And prioritize ways to do that ❤️ 💻 Email: [email protected]