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Bridget Renee Holliday




I am not on Clubhouse much anymore. To stay connected: Join Ascension Catalysts Community, checkout my website, LinkTree on Instagram, and come hangout with me on X spaces & Chatter app. Also, DM me on Instagram. I don’t know where messages are on here. lol 2024 UPCOMING EVENTS: Visit my site below, then scroll down to the Upcoming Events section. 𖣔 Portal To Ascension 𖣔 Conscious Awakening Network ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ Hello Starseeds! 💗 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 I’m a Starseed, Channel, Multidimensional Medium, & Galactic Unity Ambassador. I hold frequencies of Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Lyra, Andromeda Galaxy, & Aurora+. I communicate with High Realms & we love assisting you to embrace your ability to communicate with your Soul Team. We inspire you to expand your consciousness, live your soul’s purposes, & remind you that you’ve trained lifetimes for what you’re here to do! I am an International: Public Speaker BQH Hypnotherapist Awakening & Ascension Mentor Blueprint Energy Healer Work with me to: Explore your Starseed specializations & masteries. Access memories of your lives & homes beyond Earth. Release limitations. Shift perspectives. Be activated. Step into your power. Hone your abilities. Communicate with your Soul Team. Remember you are whole. ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ You have the ability to shift & reimagine any limiting aspects you’ve adopted as your own. It is possible to create the life of your dreams. We’re here to create New Earth as a collective. Yet, the transformation happens within your consciousness & is reflected in external reality. Ascension. ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ About Me: Emissary for The Galactic Alliance organization. I love to laugh & smile. I’m grateful to be an incarnated Starseed during such a monumental period of humanity’s evolution. ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ Topics I love: • Awakening & Ascension • Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis • Starseeds, Star family & Angels • Channeling & Traveling • Multi-D, 5D & New Earth • Soul Team Communication (Guides +) • Soul Senses (psychic, intuition, telepathy, empathic, clairs) ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ Ascension is an inner journey of remembrance, not a destination. ༄𖣔༄𖣔༄ Join Awake and Ascending, the unity consciousness house I co-create with Alex Norwood Hill (Rainbow Phoenix), Sherri Dill, Natale Zemlyak, Iriz Bernal, Darren Peters, Momo Moon, Rod Lamborn, Eymard Lacambra, Earth To Megan, Stephanie Lodge, & April Curry. Find me and my services at: