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Brian Aoaeh




“The Next-Gen Supply Chain Technology Specialist” aka “New York’s Supply Chain VC”; Mantra: The world is a supply chain. 1️⃣ Co-founder & GP of REFASHIOND Ventures; Invest in our rolling fund for as little as $25k 2️⃣ Co-founder & Community Organizer of The New York Supply Chain Meetup (#TNYSCM), The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation (#TWSCF), & The Supply Chain Technology Collective (#SCTC); 3️⃣ Adjunct Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management @NYUTandon School of Engineering; 4️⃣ Charter-holding member of the CFA Institute; 5️⃣ Venture Partner at Newark Venture Partners; and 6️⃣ VC-in-Residence at Genius Guild. ♣️ = The Supply Chain Technology Collective (#SCTC) #TNYSCM #TWSCF #SCTC | The world is a supply chain.™ 🔬 I am obsessively enthusiastic about; Supply Chain, Innovation & Technology, and how that intersects with Information Technology & Internet Infrastructure. 🔭 I’m an early-stage supply chain tech VC, a community organizer, an educator, and a research analyst. I love confronting ill-formed problems. I am not afraid to be different; Research is my calling card. I am building an early-stage supply chain tech venture capital investment firm - REFASHIOND Ventures. My personal blog is Innovation Footprints. ⏭ I am based in New York. I come from a village in Ghana’s Upper West Region, by way of Kano, in Nigeria and Accra, in Ghana. Find My Work Online 1️⃣ REFASHIOND Ventures: 2️⃣ Live on AngelList: For seed stage supply chain technology startups, REFASHIOND Seed is the world’s first Rolling Fund™ powered by people who understand that the world’s future depends on technology innovation in supply chain. (More details: 3️⃣ The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation: (Join one of our chapters: 4️⃣ FreightWaves Author Archive: 5️⃣ NYU Tandon School of Engineering Faculty Page: 6️⃣ My Personal Blog: