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Health and Nutrition




I help people maintain their health goals and hold them accountable. In 2021 I was hospitalized for 4 days. I experienced high blood pressure, A1C was high and cholesterol was high. Scariest day until I met my coach. I had to change the way I ate. Now I help people do the same. Let's eat healthy to live a happy life My 30 day program consists of weekly 1 hour class. Discussion include: calorie counting, benefits of fruits and vegetables, benefits of herbs, monthly subscription meal plan, plus more Book a free consultation. Send me a email. [email protected]$iriscardonadaycare Only serious minded people. Order your Nutrition journal, appointment book for $15.00 Fruits and vegetables plants $10.0 Order your 2023 calendar on My program is $25.00 weekly for 30 days Subscribe to my podcast