Brenda Deadwyler
>Student of ⚔️🙏🏽Prophetic Intercession🙏🏽⚔️ >Called to Intercede in 🙏🏽and 🏋🏼♀️working for increase for such a time as this & for YAH’s young prophets.🤺 >Staying in my lane. >Living to go deeper🌊 and higher🚀 in all things 🎚🛡🙌🏽ELOHIM-YESHUA 👑💪🏽HAMASHIAC, 👑💪🏽of my life💖♥️ the lamp🔦🕯unto my feet and the 💡 unto my path! >Student of the prophetic and Apostolic, 📖🎚- staying with my portion🥧 until GOD leads/🗣 and provides the ⬆️↗️⏳. >Moved according to the HOLY SPIRIT! >Licensed Missionary🎚🙏🏽🎤, Youth, Singles, Prayer RelatedWorkshops🗣️ >🙌🏽Praise🙌🏽 and Worship 💃🏽dancer/choreographer. >Youth Ministry Leader in the arts and teaching the things of GOD. 💖 >Teen and Young Women’s Mentor👩🏼🏫 >Certified in Youth Mental Health First Aid >Writer of Future Best Selling Books/Editor. Have a book, script, that needs editing? Proof read?🧐 Contact me and present your written content free of grammatical errors. >Future 501C-3 Company/Facility for rescued Sex Trafficked and Abused Youth, 💛for seniors. >Decreed and Declared Owner of the International Deadwyler Bank >Administrator of The International Intercessors Boardroom: a “large" room where the Directors, Intercessors, and members meet to intercede on a variety of concerns related to the 12 mountains and how the Kingdom of YAHWEH is affected, as citizens, as the LORD leads. Come pray, get trained, and ready for battle. May the 🔥on our altar never burn out! >Entrepreneur and Owner of B Expressive, Inc >Licensed Speech Language Pathologist by career. $MsyBrenDeadwyler