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Jimmy Mcgill



பிரபஞ்சத்தின் குழந்தை👶 Child of the universe🌐 ANARCHIST💥 Neither god nor Master✌🏻 Ex-HINDU🕉️💩 I am not an Dravidian nor periyarist nor ambedkarist❗ Shove up ur GOD nd RELIGION deep inside ur ass so that u don't shit on this society _!_ Cowards need GOD! Cowards need RELIGION! Cowards need Reasons! Cowards always need something to hold on against their Inability! Spirituality is nothing but a drug for your Mental health🤷🏽‍♂️ I do not need one _!_ I am living my life not surviving🤷🏽‍♂️ Fitness freak💪 Biker🏍️ Traveller✈️ Automobile enthusiast🏍️🏎️ Cricket by religion❤️