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Shawna Wright




✊🏾 First, Black lives matter. Chief Possibilities Officer at The New HX We prepare employers for people and people for employers.        ___________ Experience ___________ 💼 Workforce Development 💰 Economic Development 🤝🏽 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging 📚 Secondary and Postsecondary Education 🤲🏽 Leadership 🌍 Community Service 💪🏽Entrepreneur              ___________ I believe _____________ 📍Equity must be centered, lived experience must be honored, and individuals must be included in their own solutions. 📍Communities thrive when all sectors work together to ensure its members have access to education, training, and opportunities that lead to self-sustaining and meaningful careers and when businesses are supported to enter the marketplace with minimal barriers, grow ethically, and have transparency with their local government.  📍Teams excel when they are supported, trusted, developed, and challenged within environment(s) of transparency, communication, and belonging. 📍Resources go further when shared and not siloed and solid partnerships and integration allow communities to serve more, better, and longer. 📍Planning for the future requires an examination of the past, conversations with our present, and minds that are not limited to the foreseeable future. 📍Partnerships are critical, and they must be based on mutual respect, open and ongoing communication, transparency, shared goals, and safety. 📍One-size does not fit all. There must be multiple on and off ramps to services provided to the community, businesses, and stakeholders to ensure successful outcomes and growth. 📍Transparency and integrity are foundational to all endeavors. Email: [email protected]          ___ Ping me if you are talking about __ 🤜🏽🤛🏽 Creating solutions to inequities 📈 Creating and building wealth 🧬 Building strong families ⛓ Breaking generational wrongs ♻️ Reinvesting in communities 🍎 Health and wellness 🫂 Building belonging ----------------- Me ------------- 🇯🇲🇺🇲 👋🏼 She/They 👩‍👧‍👦 Parent 👑 Seventh-Day Badventist 🛣 US Nomad 💡 Ingenious 💥 Fuser 💢 Collaborator 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏾👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾Human Experience Journeyman 🍾 Champagne Curious 🎢 Ideologically Adventurous BTW, Black lives still matter.