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Bryan Forsythe




Interested in the project? 🎯20 Yr Vet | I beat depression w/o 💊or 🔬 "Sí, realmente puedes tener todo lo que quieras. '" 🙏Kindness Before Greatness💪 ' 💼 Chief Executive ❤️+🧠Radically Unstuck Consulting Virginia Beach, VA🦈 🏦 $unstuckinc 💵 🤯Listen to me for a minute and I will convince you you are 10X more capable than you can even wish for🧞 ちょっと聞いてください。あなたが望むよりも10倍能力があると私は確信します Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is like a broken winged bird which cannot fly... -Langston Hughes تمسك بالأحلام لأنه إذا ماتت الأحلام ، طر مكسور الجناح لا يستطيع الطير -Be at peace- None of us are responsible for controlling our THOUGHTS ✳️ Ping me into a room to speak or moderate ✳️ ◼️ Depression, Anxiety, Panic ◼️ Mindset+Personal Excellence theory ◼️ Mental Health=Health+Wealth ◼️ Mindfulness+Meditation BREATHE.MEDITATE.TRANSFORM. (LINK IN BIO)👇