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Bea Positive




Hello Bea Positive here! I host the “No Bad News” room which opens Thursdays at 5 pm.It is part of the Bea Positive No Bad News House where our discussions will center around things that uplift us on our spiritual journeys. We also will amplify the voices of those making a difference for good through interviews and offer a space for creatives to share their talents. I have a Facebook Page Bea Positive-No Bad News. Also, if you like to read or share, positive, uplifting, inspiring, stories, entertainment, and news, please consider joining our linked No Bad News Facebook group. Fridays at 4pm EST, you are invited to check out the No Bad News-What’s Good in the Hood Podcast. You will hear about a Person of the Week, and a Spotlighted Business, that are doing good things in the neighborhood. It’s available on the Be Positive-No Bad News Facebook page, and the BeaPositiveNoBadNews Beasley-Martin Facebook page. I am a retired ordained itinerant elder in the African American Episcopal Church.I have pastored 2 churches, and have been recognized for my many years of work outside the box environmental ministry. I was named one of 100 Fracking Fighters nationwide by I wrote the children’s book “Bald is Beautiful Too”, to explain to children I taught why this substitute teacher is now bald. I believe laughter can be good medicine. As Grandma Flashlight it is my goal to make you laugh and lift your spirits. I also do re-enactments of African American “Sheroes”. It is important to remember those women who paved the path before us. Thank you for stopping by. Bea Positive wishing you a Bea Positive Day! Disclaimer: The only requirement for guests is to be beacons of light within their communities.Their faith walks may differ from yours as listeners, or even from mine. This is a safe space where everyone will be respected.