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Mitsu Brokuno




A systematically systematized systemic system Oh, how it traps us, a cage within a prism Organized and ordered, it seems so neat But beneath the surface, it's more incomplete. A machine of efficiency, it runs like clockwork But the human touch, it seems to lack perk It crushes individuality, with its strict design Leaves no room for creativity, no room to shine. A system that's soulless, a system that's cold A puppet show, with strings that are controlled It robs us of freedom, of choice, of will Leaves us feeling empty, with an emptiness still. So here's to the systematically systematized systemic system May it crumble, for all to see the schism Let us break free, from its grip of might And reclaim our humanity, with all our light. I like platypus and hedgehog 🚀 #chprelon #prelon🪙 📚Interest📚 Solarpunk / Circular Economy / Poverty Alleviation / Gaming and IT / Investment / Community Development / Biomimicry