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Jenifer Tharani, MS RDN




🌿Anti-inflammatory nutrition & gut health expert ➡️ registered dietitian ⁣ 🍎I help autoimmune illness warriors break the vicious cycle of fatigue, brain fog, inflammation 🔥 & poor gut health 🦠⁣ ⁣ Using a ⬇️⁣ ☕️ Non restrictive, anti-inflammatory, gut healing signature NF meal method ⁣ ⁣ ⭐️ So they can be more productive, have more fatigue & brain fog free days and have a good quality of life 💃⁣ Join our free Facebook community ➡️ ⁣ 🎙Looking to collab, moderate rooms, and be a guest on podcasts 🎥⁣ 📧 Email: [email protected]⁣ ⁣ About me:⁣ 👩🏻‍🌾 Daughter of chronic illness warrior ⁣ 🐠 Pisces ⁣ 💩 Love talking about all things gut, poop, and inflammation⁣ 🇨🇦 Canada, 🇺🇸 USA⁣ IG: pcos.period.dietitian ⁣ Offers⁣ 📱💊1:1 VIRTUAL Anti-inflammatory, gut healing nutrition coaching for chronic illness warriors (fibromyalgia, arthritis, lupus, IBD, Sjogrens, osteoarthritis to name a few)⁣ 🦋 Anti-inflammatory, gut healing nutrition group coaching - VIRTUAL