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Nicole McKay




Turning your pet photo into a one of a kind masterpiece.🐾 Founder of AugiDog Club™️ AugiDog Tails Podcast Network. Inspire. Collaborate. Organize. Learn. Excel. @nicolemckay22 What are you manifesting? 🔮 Are you meeting your full potential? ✨ Your intuition isn’t lying. Trust yourself. 💫 🔥 | Entrepreneur 📸 | Wonderer ⛰ | Adventurer 🧠 | Mental Health Advocate 💫 | Manifest your dreams 🐶 | Dog Mom ✋🏻 | Michigan Love meeting new people, sharing stories, and learning from each other. I should write a book... After almost losing my dog August (AugiDog), I know just how important it is to enjoy the moments we have with our fur babies while they are here, but also the importance of remembering them when they are gone.