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Dr. Asante Dickson




💊 Impressive physician/ 🍏Professionally coaching premed students, medical students, residents and practicing physicians to educational success / 👨🏾‍🎓Student Advocate / 🎤International Keynote speaker/Healthcare equity lecturer/ YouTube channel - thefacilitatormd 📊President of Ascension Medical Educators LLC - Seasoned professionals with decades experience in medical school admissions credentialing and preparation; longitudinal career coaching and mentoring; clinical skills enrichment and professional development; customized learning plans and coaching skills for medical education assessments (MCAT, USMLE, speciality licensure); and much more. ➡️ ➡️@amedocs ➡️[email protected] ➡️1(888)362-2631 🩺 Neuro and Interventional Radiologist 💎PEARLS : 🔥 If your goal was easy to achieve, everyone would be achieving it 🔥 All winners have a history of losing. Be prepared to lose on your way to winning. 🔥 Pushing through the pain is what places you on the medal podium. 📍DC Maryland Virginia