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🫀 What I am not: a Physicist, a Mathematician , a Chemist, a psychologist, a Neurologist, a Physician, a Philosopher, or much more... What I am: An observer experiencing a reality 🇩🇴 🇺🇸 Dominican - American Holding : SpaceTimeEnergyMatter Club My Quotes: “You divide to multiply You multiply to subtract You subtract to add You add to divide” Others: “There is a common impulse to expect truth in origins. As though mistaken opinion were a corruption of a pure prophecy spoken in the earliest times.” RV "Knowledge then, is made up of things we infer, things we experience, and the way our brain processes both. The great metaphysical question of ‘Why it is all this way?’ may always be out of our reach." Internet “Man is a part of Nature, not something contrasted with Nature. His thoughts and his bodily movements follow the same laws that describe the motions of stars and atoms.” Bertrand Russell “La Queja…Aleja!!!” “I take my chances and I am a firm believer that we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take” by Mo Dude