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Sydney, Aus 🇦🇺 _______________________________ What I believe in: Life is too short to be anything but happy. Also remember that, nothing can last forever and its true for both sadness & happiness. This doesn't mean that you should give up on yourself. You're a beautiful, unfinished and in progress piece of art. I'm a dreamer. Dream and work towards making your dreams come true. Sometimes you may need to sacrifice and struggle to find yourself, but never give up. You matter. You're worth it. Your imperfections are what makes you beautiful. People may often judge you for what they think you are. Their words will never be able to define the real you. And do not conform to someone else's idea of how you should be. Listen with an intent to understand. Not to speak. _______________________________ Business Analyst ~ Model ~ Singer ~ Food lover ~ Home cook ~ Movie Buff ~ Blogger ~ Malayali Connect with me on IG for some lifestyle content (not linking on CH due to security concerns): @Lifestories1014u