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Angie Alexander




🇨🇦 I am an empathetic 💕engineer and Certified Mental Fitness Coach (Positive Intelligence (R) ) who works with leaders so they can become Sage Leaders. A Sage Leader is working on their own mental fitness so they can lead their teams from a place of empathy, curiosity, creativity, purpose and calm, laser-focused action. I also love working with established women professionals in oil and gas who are re-evaluating how they define success. I help them explore what makes them happy and find success through the process Links: 🌲 ☑️Saboteur Assessment: and scroll down 🦻Request PQ rep audio file: _________________________________ 🔗 💌 Angie.Alexander.Consulting@ 👩‍💻 _________________________________ The article that launched my coaching practice: _________________________________ 🧠💪🏻 I am passionate about helping you build your mental fitness using Positive Intelligence as a Certified PQ Coach #230 _________________________________ I work with courageous leaders to bring their teams from good to great through: ✅ Executive & Leadership coaching ✅ Strategy & Vision sessions ✅ Facilitation ✅ Decision analysis ✅ Discovery Insights sessions _________________________________ ✳️ Available to moderate or co-moderate ✳️ Founder of Women Crave Connection Club ✳️ Moderator with Thought Leadership Branding Club and The PQ Coaches Collective _________________________________ 🧐Take the Saboteur Assessment and then DM me for a link to the complementary debrief (link in IG bio) *I am in Positive Intelligence(R) cohort 3 @SageCoachAng 📍Calgary, Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦🧗‍♀️⛷🥾🚵‍♀️🏔💜🖤
