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Angela Stalcup




Exploring the 🚸intersection of ✨intuition + 🧐intellect in life, work, and culture. Fueled by curiosity 🔎 and coffee☕️. 📌 Communication strategist 📌 Business ideation and launch 📌 Intuitive business design 📌 Leadership in online communities 📌 Women in leadership 📌 Supplier diversity certification and compliance 📌Speaker, writer, teacher 🤔Intellect 🎓MA Thesis: Emergent Leadership in Unstructured Online Communicative Spaces 🎓Research: Female entrepreneurial identity 🎓Research: Rhetoric of Body Language 🎓Ordained minister ✨Intuition 🙏 Dream incubation, analysis 🙏 Manifestation, belief, life design 🙏Tarot, intuitive tools 🙏Usui reiki master 🙏Frequency healing modalities 👏Talking starting and re-starting in The ReLaunch Club. @TheRelaunch
