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AmunEm Hatap




Raahub-aat "Greetings" , I am Nysut: Amun Em Hatap a student of the Master Teacher Baàah Baàah Yaanuwn (BahBah Yaanun) of WU-NAWAP & WU-SABAT, Wu-Sabat is The science of 9Mind, Natural Nature, The Right Knowledge The Right Understanding and Sound Right Reasoning that leads to The Right Overstanding. I am Sabat-u, my ancestors The 9 are PAA NADJAR-U "The Ennead", The Overseers" from the MASBAT-AAT "Sirius" and MASÀAH "Orion" back to the 8th Planet Rizq in the 19th Galaxy. having 3 Suns called MAÀALYAN "Illiyuwn" (refer to scroll "Man From Planet Rizq" authored by Dr. Malachi Z. York 1995 A.D.) BahBah Yaanun has come to reform the people of the sun Paa Nagar-u "The Negroid" race to give us back PAA TARAQ "The Way" renewing our story every 25,000 years BahBah Yaanun The Master Teacher is an Extraterrestrial, a incarnation, God in the flesh. He has come to break the 6,000 yrs old Evil Spell of Sleep (ignorance) Leviathan cast on the people of this planet. Read The Most Dynamic Books authored in history, "Paa Taraq, The Actual Facts, and The Master Secret" by way of Baàah Baàah Yaanun at your nearest "All Eyes On Egipt" bookstore or online at; If you like to give me a freewill Offering please do so by way of... Cash App: $AmunEmHatap **If you would like for me to speak in your room, Back channel me to discuss further. I will not speak under a disorderly administrative room with no set topic.**
