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Amanda Rall




Just a 💁🏼‍♀️ looking for ways to improve her life and help her communities build success. Independent consultant for clean products (Arbonne) that are changing my 🌎 DM me on IG for more info! 🌠Educator of the future. I’m responsible for aiding in dendrite mail 🧠 for 33 ten-eleven year olds in the 8th most dangerous city in the U.S. 🥳 Lover of positive vibes. My favorite quote is from the movie Beach Bum, “I could tell you that I’m a reverse paranoiac. I am quite certain that the world is conspiring to make me happy.”-Moondog. 🔪Serial sales mentee. I am a recovering dealershipoholic. I love all things sales. The producer, the consumer, and all areas in between. ⚔️ V for Vendetta has a permanent space in my brain at all times.