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Allen Kares




Activate, Develop, and Expand your 5D vision 💫 My passion and intention is to add value to the unfolding of life through the gift of imagination. I facilitate empowering and safe spaces for BEings like you on the journey of ascension to come in and further evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually Discover the magic of Imagineering and create your present from your future. Services: • The Imagineering Council (advanced training) • Private Imagineering Sessions • Project IMAGINE (3hr activation) • Imagineering Experience (group live events) • The Imagine Podcast (w/guest interviews ~coming soon) • The IMAGINE Community • and the Imagineering Stories Blog There’s no need anymore to be or do more of the same… it is time to finally release the old and BE and do differently If you are reading this then you are ready to explore and access infinite possibilities Let’s connect in joy! DM me or Check out the link in my IG bio