Alex Barnett
Dad, husband, geek, modular synthesist, and expert cocktail maker, Brit ex-pat in the Bay area, CA. Ex-Intuit, Microsoft, Risk Management Solutions (RMS), Bungee Labs, GoSite. Currently, Head of Developer Relations and Community at Postman. Ex-pro cricketer (Middlesex, Lancashire) 8 years. A founding member of Earth Modular Society. Non-stop Eurorack modular livestreams 24/7. Always learning, seeking to understand, and enjoy vigorous and constructive debates. Advocate of “Steel manning” - the opposite of “straw manning” - as a way of driving for productive discussions and discourse. Currently reading: Trillion Dollar Coach (about, not written by, Bill Cambell) - Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian (R. Wolff, MIT Press) - Work: #fintech #ecosystems #platforms #insurtech #crypto #defi #payments #APIs #data #data-programmabilty #SaaS #PaaS #developer-experience #developer-relations Not work: #modularsynthesis #eurorack