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Yolanda Sokiri-Munn




THE* VOICE and VIEW of THE Poetic SOUL HEALer has ONE AIM* to Amplify, Intensify & Motivate You. 🇹🇿🇨🇭 When I TALK, I AIM for the HEART! AIM = Authentic Inspiring Meaningful MESSAGE Call me THE ABC DIVA: ABC(1): ✅ AIM from THE HEART! ❇️BESpoke Self HEALing & Spiritual TEACHings services on JOY & PEACE. 💯Celebrate, Champion & Connect dots so my SOUL Clients 🆘 Stand In their NEW power OWN their truth, private, public, professional SHINE & GLOW as a HUMAN BEing NOW ✳️ ✅ Seeking to share LIVED LESSONS creatively on: P- Poetry, Passion & Positive Parenting T- Trust Issues, Leadership & Compassion S- Spiritual Healing & Social Justice D- Dreams, Montessori & Citizenship Why? Cause I ♥️ WORDS especially those that go back to the ABCs, small WORDS with BIG IMPACT! ABC(2): AfriCAN Acrostic Poet BEliever in Energy that Connects SOUL VIEWs to HUMAN WORDs ABC(3): Are You BEcoming a KINDer HUMAN? BElieve in self HEALing and power of TEACHing Come discover PEACE practices 1:1 / Group When You desire a HUMAN deLIVEring REAL: Humour Unique Meaningful Authentic support, NOW, on all things Practical Spirituality… When You are ready to connect YES and NO: YES to promise & progress. & NO to judgment & injustice. DM «INTENTION » to receive 9 steps to LIVE an INTENTIONAL LIFE✨ 🚀 Radical Self ❤️ Journaling 💥 Affirmations & Atunements 🔋Identify NEW IDeas on Dharma 🎯SOUL Leadership & HUMAN Lessons 🎲 Empowering 1 on 1 / Group Coaching