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Mina Richards




Philly Jawn (she/her/hers) Academic & Autodidact Polygamous Reader here. Currently reading: “Right Within” by Minda Harts; “Pale Horse Rider” by Marc Jacobson; and “Corregidora” by Gayl Jones. “In Heaven there will be no law, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. . . . In Hell there will be nothing but law, and due process will be meticulously observed.” - Grant Gilmore, The Ages of American Law (1977) The more you know… * There’s no such thing as “alpha male”; it’s called breeder male. The creator of the term dispelled this myth years ago. There’s no such thing as “alpha leadership.” *48 Laws of Power shouldn’t be your leadership doctrine. * America is a patriarchal system; many single parent households are matriFOCAL…not matriarchal. * Wealth inequality and economic stratification continually increase poverty traps. Reparations is the ONLY way to decrease it. * “Black on Black” crime is “Intraracial Crime.” * Maria Stewart and Sojourner Truth were among the first black feminists. * After slavery, some black men and women practiced bigamy. Check out, “Bound in Wedlock: Slave and Free Black Marriage in the 19th Century” by Tera W. Hunter. * Cis Het. women have testosterone receptors in 15 areas of their bodies. I always come with sources and references when speaking. 💬💬💬