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أعرض عن الجاهل السفيه فكل مـا قـال فهـو فيـه ما ضر بحر الفرات يومـا إن خاض بعض الكلاب فيه. ‏الشافعي ✎ Immigration, cultural diversity & integration consultant. ✎ Active in social and humanitarian work. ✎ Founding member of Arab Researchers Club. ‏__________________________________________ Hey there! 🎙️ I'm Mera, an avid Clubhouse enthusiast with a passion for meaningful conversations. Whether it's discussing technology trends, literature, or social issues, I love engaging in thoughtful exchanges that expand horizons. As the saying goes, "The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about." Let's challenge ourselves to listen, learn, and grow, embracing diverse perspectives to foster a more inclusive and enlightened community. Join my rooms for enlightening chats and together, we'll elevate the conversation! 🌟 #ClubhouseEnthusiast #OpenMinds #MeaningfulConversations ⚠️ My presence in rooms doesn't necessarily mean agreeing to their content. 🇨🇦 💔 Killua ⚡️